Registration v2

Using the following link you will be able to enter the system, register your attendance, register their papers and make their payments. Please, follow the next link to complete your registration:

Click here to complete your registration

Fees (Prices in COP$, 1USD ~= 4.051 COP$) :

RateCategoryRegistration TypeEarly Fee
until May 16th
After May 16th
R1 – Author Registration CategoriesIEEE Student Member Author$295.000$365.000
R2 – Author Registration CategoriesNon Member Author (Student) *$360.000$430.000
R3 – Author Registration CategoriesIEEE Member Author$35.000$40.000
R4 – Author Registration CategoriesNon Member Author (Professionals) *$55.000$65.000
R5 – Non Author Registration CategoriesIEEE Student Member Attendee *$60.000$60.000
R6 – Non Author Registration CategoriesIEEE Member Student Attendee *
R7 – Non Author Registration CategoriesIEEE Member Professional Attendee *
R8 – Non Author Registration CategoriesNon Member Professional Attendee *
  • All of the above fees include admission to all tutorials and activities, technical sessions, as well as one copy of the proceedings.
  • Student registration is the same for IEEE Life member registration.