George Proeller – IEEE, Computer Society

George Proeller is an Information Systems Security Engineer, Architect, and Manager with more than 30 years’ government and commercial sector Information Technology Systems (ITS) experience focusing on Information Assurance/Computer Network Security. Dr. Proeller’s experience encompasses all aspects of information systems life cycle from requirements definition through development and deployment to follow-on test and evaluation to decommissioning. He is a published author and frequent invited speaker at national and international security and IT conferences, serves on university Information Security Education Advisory committees, is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE, has served on the ISACA Test Enhancement Subcommittee for the CISM exam, as a member of the Information Systems Security Association International Board of Directors, and is an adjunct Professor of Computer Science concentrating on Security of Enterprise Information Systems. George is a recipient of the ISSA President’s Award for Public Service, has been inducted into the ISSA Hall of Fame, and received ISSA’s highest honor of Distinguished Fellow. George holds an MBA; MS degrees in Software Engineering, Project Management, and Information Security; and a Doctorate in Enterprise Information Systems.